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Is raw food safe?

When handled properly, raw food is perfectly safe.

We take extraordinary measures to make sure our raw food is safe and have never had an issue. All of our ingredients are human-grade and come from suppliers who follow USDA guidelines. Once we get them, we follow exacting safety protocols—monitoring the temperature of every protein, testing poultry for pathogens every production cycle. When you bring our food home, consider it like any meat you would eat yourself and take the same precautions. When you don’t handle meat properly, that’s when the chance of food borne illness increases. The following are good rules to follow:

  • Make sure raw meats are isolated in your fridge and their juices can’t drip on other foods; you may opt to store the meat in a BPA free container in the fridge. Wash it out often.
  • Keep your refrigerator at 40ºF; your freezer at 0º F.
  • Defrost our food in the refrigerator if you can—it should thaw within a day. If you need to do it more quickly, immerse the package, sealed in a plastic bag, in cold tap water. Change the water every 30 minutes.
  • Meat or poultry defrosted in the refrigerator can be refrozen before use. 
  • Before handling raw meat, wash your hands with hot soapy water. Then wash them again immediately afterward, along with any utensils and cutting boards you used. 
  • Sanitize your cutting boards and utensils frequently. 
  • Never leave food out for more than 2 hours (even less than that if your home is hot). 
  • Once thawed in the refrigerator, use our food within four or five days.