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  2. Storage and Preparation

How should I handle and store my food?

Follow these safety guidelines: 

  • Keep your refrigerator at 40ºF, your freezer at 0º F.
  • Defrost our food in the refrigerator, instead of on the counter. Usually our 1- and 2-pound packages thaw within 24 hours. If you need to do it faster, immerse the package, sealed in a plastic bag, in cold tap water. Change the water every 30 minutes.
  • Make sure raw meats are isolated in your fridge and their juices can’t drip on other foods; you may opt to store the meat in a BPA free container in the fridge. Wash it out often.
  • Once defrosted in the refrigerator, use the product within four to five days. Or you can refreeze it.
  • Always wash your hands with hot soapy water before handling any raw meat. Do the same immediately afterward, along with all utensils and cutting boards you used. Sanitize the utensils and boards frequently. 
  • Never leave food out for more than 2 hours (less if your home is hot). 
  • Keep all products safely out of the reach of children.